Talking Body: Accessorizing with Skin

The body is the most powerful accessory. Accessorizing is arguably the most essential part of making an outfit; accessories are markers of self-expression, setting us apart from others who wear the same pieces. Individual creativity is our greatest asset; everyone looks their best when they look like themselves. And what’s more accurate to ourselves than our own bodies? True fashion is more than simply the fabrics and shapes we lay upon our skin. Fashion is an art form, and our bodies are the canvas. 

Incorporating your physical body into personal style is no new concept, as tattoos, piercings, and hair dye have long been a part of the modern world. Tattoos become a permanent part of us: symbols and imagery that remind onlookers of our individuality. Piercings on all different parts of the body allow us to embellish and bejewel ourselves, drawing attention to wherever we see fit. A new hair colour or style has the ability to completely change a person’s face shape and look. 

But fashion is constantly evolving, and designers and wearers alike have found new ways to use the body to complete a look, a trend which has grown in popularity since the 2020s. 2022 fashion week runways were adorned with innovative nudity, such as Collina Strada’s nipple wire dress. Off the runway, model and influencer Charlotte D’Alessio wore an entirely sheer dress to ring in the 2023 new year, leaving little to the imagination.  

The skin-revealing trend continues into 2024, now popularized through sheer and intricate lace tops, skirts and dresses, revealing the undergarments, if any, underneath. Some have even gone pantless, seen in the streetwear of top models such as Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid. Emma Chamberlain joined the trend at the 2023 GQ’s Men of the Year Awards, dressed only in a leather jacket and matching briefs.

While likely only celebrity figures could get away with going pantless on the streets, there are many fun ways to incorporate a little more skin into your looks, ranging from modest takes to more exposing styles. Transparent fabrics are great for layering and adding intricate details to an outfit. Show off the gorgeous detailing of your bikini or bra top through a lace, mesh, or crochet look.  

The New York Post called it when they wrote that skin is in(2022). We live in a modern world where body positivity should be championed, and nudity should not be seen as inherently sexual behaviour. Our bodies are not inappropriate. Clothes are not something to hide behind. Depending on your comfort level, you can incorporate your physical body into your fashion sense, whether you're accessorizing with a new piercing or even a nip-slip. While entirely sheer gowns might not fit everyone’s comfort zone, I encourage everyone to experiment with how their body fits into their style and identity. While there’s nothing wrong with covering up, there’s certainly nothing wrong with showing a little skin. 

Nicole Dancey