Trends - Individuality or Conformity?

The question I can not stop hearing people ask online is, “What are we wearing this ____?” “We” - the word that makes me question whether wanting to follow trends contributes to the individuality I find through my choice of style or takes away from it. Following trends is not inherently a negative thing; in fact, it guides many people toward finding the clothing and style that suits them best. But, the influence social media has on the fashion industry is stronger than ever. Our digitized world has made it so every two weeks; there is a new aesthetic that is trending and is encouraging so many to quickly spend money on that new pair of Sambas or some micro-shorts that might go out of style within the next month. And yes, things only start trending because many people like them, but when does the trend-following get to the point of conforming to so much of what is seen online and taking away from forming a sense of personal style? 

TikTok and Instagram have become the epicentres of fashion culture, with influencers at the forefront of this digital revolution. From fashion bloggers to celebrities, the community’s tastemakers are more accessible to hear from than ever. The fast-paced social media industry has led to an oversaturated market of influencers vying for consumer’s attention. And to do so, originality has often taken a backseat to the hottest trends that everyone is focused on and wants to hear about. Therefore, trends are amplified to a greater magnitude, with so many promoting them at once, and they are moved past equally as quickly when new trending things emerge. The integration of e-commerce on both social media apps has made getting from the point of admiration of a trend to owning it absolutely effortless. Thus, it is not only making it super easy for someone to join in on a trend without questioning if they truly like it, but it is also fueling impulsive spending and contributing to fast fashion. As the influence of social media only continues to grow, we as consumers have to critically think about the content we are consuming and the ways in which we hold agency over our fashion choices. 

Personal style is an ever-evolving showcase of oneself, whether it be an expression of interests, creativity, values, or personality. I believe following so many trends takes away from the ongoing journey of self-discovery and exploration one can gain just through their unique use of fashion. That does not go without saying that observing everyone who is hopping onto each trend can be very hard. The societal pressures perpetuated by social media have the power to influence individuals to conform to trends even if it might not align with their personal style. It might be because of our capitalistic ideologies or our simple fear of missing out, but in a world that tries to dictate how we are supposed to present ourselves, fashion is a great vessel we can all use for individual self-expression. One that does not lie in the likes and dislikes of others or adhere to all transient trends but is personal and a curated representation of oneself. So, pick up that old pair of shoes you have always loved or that old band tee in your closet because, to be honest, it doesn't really matter how many songs you know by them, just like it doesn’t matter if your closet is trending or not!

Abby Rossman